Years ago former CASA volunteer Marissa Marquez shared her "Top 10 Reasons to be a CASA Volunteer." This was her countdown:
10 - To add experience in your resume
9 - To develop people skills & communication skills
8 - To develop new job skills
7 - To have fun!
6 - Allows you to explore possible career paths
5 - To build on your self-esteem and self-confidence
4 - To do something you can do with your friend or significant other
3 - Share your skills with others
2 - To build personal and professional contacts
1 - Above all the things you will gain, you will help a child in a tremendous way – Remember that you can be a powerful voice for them!
This week we asked our advocacy team, who supervise and work with CASA volunteers every day, for their personal top reasons someone should volunteer. Here's what they had to say, in no particular order, in our 2017 Top 10 edition:
1 - You get to be an important voice at the table because CASA volunteers have the time and capacity to really get to know kids, families and their situations in a way that others on the case don't have the luxury of doing.
2- As a CASA volunteer, you can help families heal and keep children connected to their relatives, their heritage and their history. This is vital in helping them creative a foundation of positive connections in their future.
3 - Judges respect the opinions and recommendations of CASA volunteers. You can affect real change that way.
4 - To feel like a superstar! That's what it feels like when you're fighting for something a kid needs and you achieve it. You feel great at the end of the day walking away and saying I did everything I could do for that kid.
5 - Children deserve somebody in their corner who is looking for for their needs and helping them achieve stability.
6 - It's the most meaningful way any one single person can affect change in this otherwise seemingly insurmountable social problem that is the child welfare system.
7 - You will meet passionate and inspiring people in your time volunteering with CASA, including the youth, the staff and many other amazing volunteers like yourself. It's infectious to be around such passionate individuals who are all working towards a cause and a goal.
8 - It's great to be able to get to know the children and to have a significant impact in the life and health of a family.
9 - The opportunity to reflect back on your life and acknowledge that you've made a difference, that you've affected someone's life in a positive way.
10 - It's for kids. Why wouldn't you?
July Advocacy 2017