Jun 29 2023

#CASAVolunteer, #CollegeStudent

Did you know nearly 20% of our volunteers are between the ages of 21 and 29? These young adults dedicate some of their most transformative years in part to advocating for children in the system. 

For this group, obligations like school, graduate programs, internships, entering the workforce, and other activities happen alongside their volunteer role.

One example of this type of individual is Olivia.

Earning a degree in Public Relations is not the only thing Olivia accomplished in college. In addition to her studies, and being an avid reader, a sports fanatic, and a road trip lover, Olivia is also a CASA volunteer.  

Earning a degree in Public Relations is not the only thing Olivia accomplished in college. In addition to her studies, and being an avid reader, a sports fanatic, and a road trip lover, Olivia is also a CASA volunteer.  

At just 21 years old, Olivia has made a unique connection to her community by offering her time to children who have experienced abuse or neglect in Travis County, which is now home to her. 

Despite growing up in Oklahoma as an OSU fan, Olivia traded in the bright orange for burnt and attended UT Austin for her bachelor’s degree. “I got introduced to CASA through Texas Theta since CASA is their philanthropy. I knew as soon as I turned 21 that I wanted to apply,” says Olivia. Like any other CASA volunteer, Olivia underwent training for several weeks. This training includes sessions and workshops about family dynamics, the legal system, trauma-informed advocacy, and many other topics. 

“I had this fear no one would want to listen to me due to my age, and due to the fact that I don’t have kids.” These worries, however, never came to fruition.

While in training, uncertainties started to creep in. “I had this fear no one would want to listen to me due to my age, and due to the fact that I don’t have kids.” These worries, however, never came to fruition. “Everyone has been so respectful, communicative, and open to talking to me.” Her age? Not a factor.  

Olivia saw firsthand that as a CASA volunteer, her recommendations carried weight in the courtroom, and the multiple people she worked alongside –the attorney ad-litem, the judge, and the CPS caseworker– took her perspective seriously.  

She also had a busy schedule while handling her first case. Classes, internship tasks, sorority commitments, and applying to law school, all at the same time. Despite this, Olivia never felt that being a CASA volunteer was just another thing on her “to-do” list. Instead, due to her own personal passion to serve and being motivated by her CASA supervisor, she genuinely looked forward to serving her assigned child. 

“CASA is always on my mind. I want to call the child I advocate for and talk about this or that. It’s never something I have to do or need to check off a list. It just comes naturally”, shares Olivia. 

“CASA is always on my mind. I want to call the child I advocate for and talk about this or that. It’s never something I have to do or need to check off a list. It just comes naturally," shares Olivia. 

If there is anything Olivia’s experience has taught her, it’s that she didn’t have to choose between being a student and being an incredible CASA volunteer. Like many other volunteers have experienced, their CASA duties are not an obstacle to still being able to commit to other activities in their lives.  

All that’s required is a heart for volunteering.  

Whether you’re a student 21 or older, or anyone who lives in Travis County, you can make a difference in a child’s life. Become a CASA today at www.casatravis.org/volunteer.  


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