Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteers

Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteers get to know the child(ren) while also gathering information from the child’s family, teachers, doctors, therapists, caregivers, and anyone else involved in the child’s life in order to make independent and informed recommendations to help the judge decide what’s best for the child. They are a consistent adult presence for a child or family of children throughout their entire CPS case.

Specific Tasks
  • Spend quality time with the child or children you’re appointed to 
  • Communicate regularly with the child(ren)’s parents, relatives, placement, teachers, doctors, therapists, caregivers and anyone else involved in the child’s life
  • Participate in case meetings and review case files
  • Gather and document information on your case
  • Formulate recommendations on what’s in the best interest of the children
  • Submit a court report and present your recommendations to the judge in the courtroom.

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